API Reference

The table below presents the error codes and their descriptions that are returned in the transaction callback.

1Third-party beneficiary
2Invalid CPF
3Invalid payment details
4Beneficiary account limit exceeded
6Transaction Not Paid
7Abandoned payment
8PSP Reject payment
9Under analysis
10Internal Server Error
11Name and CPF mismatch
12CPF parameter sent doesn't correspond to stored.
13Value is lower than required minimum value
14Value is greater than required maximum value
15Email is not valid
16Currency is not valid
17Amount is not valid
18Payment Method is not valid
19Country is not valid
20Paramater is not valid
21Currency is not allowed
22Monthly limit exceeded
23Yearly limit exceeded
24Parameter reference is required
25Parameter merchant_user is required
26Parameter country is required
27Parameter currency is required
28Parameter amount is required
29Parameter paymentMethod is required
30Parameter is required
31Account not authorized. For more information, contact our support: [email protected]
32Merchant Insufficient funds
33Parameter name is required
34Parameter email is required
35Parameter cpf is required
36User Secure Id is not valid
37Parameter branch is required
38Parameter account_type is required
39Reference is already registered
40PSP Merchant Insufficient funds
41User Insufficient funds
42User Secure Id is not valid
43Pix - CPF mismatch. Refunded
44Pix - Amount received different than expected. Refunded
45Pix - CPF key and CPF mismatch
46Pix - Key not registered
47Weekly limit exceeded
48Underage user. Refunded
49Underage user
50Possible Underage user. Refunded
51Possible Underage user
52Deceased user. Refunded
53Deceased user
54User not authorized. Refunded
55User not authorized