API Reference

Merchants now have the capability to display PIX transaction data directly within their cashier page. Users can simply fill out their request in the website´s cashier form, press enter, and the QR code required to complete their PIX transaction will appear within the website´s cashier interface, without any redirection. This streamlined process optimizes the user flow and eliminates the need to redirect users to another domain.

Params (before JWT-encoding)

name(required, string)The 'name' parameter represents the user's name. If left blank, the deposit form will display the field as editable, allowing the user to input their name.
email(required, string)The 'email' parameter represents the user's email address. If left blank or if the provided email address is invalid, the corresponding field in the deposit form can be manually edited by the user.
cpf(required, string)The 'CPF' parameter represents the user's CPF (Brazilian tax number). If left blank or if the provided CPF is invalid, the corresponding field in the deposit form can be manually edited by the user.
amount(number, string)The 'amount' parameter represents the value of the deposit and cannot be modified by the user.
currency(required, string)The 'currency' parameter specifies the currency used for the deposit, with BRL (Brazilian Real) being the default currency in ISO 4217 format.
reference(required, string)The 'reference' parameter represents the Reference ID, which is a unique string generated by the merchant.
merchant_user(required, string)The 'merchant_user' parameter identifies the user within your system, which can be either an ID or a username
country(required, string)The 'country' parameter specifies the user's country configured on the merchant cashier, adhering to ISO 3166 format. Only 'BR' (Brazil) is accepted.
buyer_ip(required, string)The 'buyer_ip' parameter represents the user's IP address.
phone(optional, string)The 'phone' parameter represents the user's phone number. It should follow the suggested format: (51)9999-999, where (51) is the area code. The maximum length is 45 characters.
brand(optional, string)The 'brand' parameter is defined by the merchant and represents the brand of the platform.
  "iat": 1712175617,
  "exp": 1712175677,
  "data": {
    "name": "",
    "email": "",
    "cpf": "",
    "amount": 0,
    "currency": "BRL",
    "reference": "",
    "merchant_user": "",
    "country": "BR",
    "buyer_ip": "",
    "phone": "",
    "brand": ""

Example Response (after JWT-decode)

  "iat": 1712252131,
  "exp": 1712252191,
  "code": 201,
  "data": {
    "id": "102139",
    "currency": "BRL",
    "amount": 10,
    "reference": "teste",
    "qrCodeText": "00020101021226900014br.gov.bcb.pix2568qrcodepix.bb.com.br-pix-v2-txId_C55153TS1712252136116v1Ds87r89IC2Un_5204000053039865802BR5916SAFEPAG NACIONAL6012PORTO ALEGRE62070503***63044F3A",
    "qrCodeImage": ""

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!