API Reference

The Callback Notification allows merchants to receive transaction updates. Merchants must provide a callback URL to receive payment notifications.

Upon payment completion, a JWT token containing confirmation data will be sent to the merchant via POST with Content-Type: application/www-form-urlenconded. The decoded token will contain the following information:

Params (before JWT-encoding)

user_idstringThe 'user_id' parameter represents the unique identifier assigned to a user within the system.
transfers_idintegerThe 'transfers_id' parameter uniquely identifies the deposit within the Bazk/INOVAPAY system.
referencestringThe 'reference' parameter assigns a code to reference the payment. This code is associated with the transaction created by the payment and facilitates linking Inovapay transactions to sales recorded in your system.
amountstringThe 'amount' parameter represents the converted amount, inclusive of any applicable fees.
currencystringThe 'currency' parameter indicates the currency used for the transaction, following ISO 4217 format (e.g., BRL for Brazilian Real, EUR for Euro).
statusstringThe 'status' parameter indicates the current state of the deposit. Possible status options include: pending, canceled, and complete.

When the status is 'canceled,' two additional parameters ('reason_code' and 'reason') will be sent, providing details about the cancellation.

reason_codestringThe 'reason_code' parameter provides a numerical code indicating the reason for the cancellation of a transaction.
reasonstringThe 'reason' parameter provides a descriptive explanation or justification for the cancellation of a transaction.

View all reasons for cancellation here

The integration process involves two steps to create a deposit:

  1. Validate deposit data.
  2. Initiate a POST request to complete the deposit.

Note: Upon submission of the deposit form by the user (upon clicking the 'confirm' button), the POST method is triggered.

If the data validation process fails during the POST request, the system sends a notification to the Merchant notification URL containing the corresponding error message.